First lead-acid battery recycling plant starts working in Mongolia – AKIpress

First lead-acid battery recycling plant starts working in Mongolia – AKIpress

First lead-acid battery recycling plant starts working in Mongolia

AKIPRESS.COM – The first lead-acid battery recycling plant was put into operation in Nalaikh district of Ulaanbaatar to reduce the negative impacts of expired automotive batteries on human health and the environment on March 26, Montsame reports.

The plant has an annual capacity of recycling 7,000 tons or 300,000-400,000 pieces of used lead-acid batteries, deactivating and refining 98% of the waste lead and acid as well as more than ten chemicals.

The first Mongolian battery recycling plant was established by “Electrochem Mongol” company, with its funding, creating about 75 new jobs, and 1.2-1.8 billion tugriks is estimated to be paid to the state budget.

Minister of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia S. Byambatsogt noted at the opening ceremony of the new plant that the government follows the policy to support environment-friendly technology and manufacturing. The government will collaborate with private enterprises in establishing a system for collection and storage of spent lead-acid batteries, said the Minister.

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