Sign up now to get all your garden waste collections – Sunderland City Council

Sunderland residents are being encouraged to join the ever increasing band of recyclers by signing up for this year’s garden waste collections.

Registration for the popular garden waste collections is now open, and residents are reminded that they need to sign up before Thursday 29 February to make sure they receive all 17 fortnightly collections between March and November 2024.

This year’s garden waste collections begin from Tuesday 26 March, with a subscription fee of £37.50 which works out at an average of just £2.21 per collection. Anyone signing up after Thursday 29 February may not receive all the collections, but the price will remain the same.

People signing up for garden waste collections are also helping do their bit for the environment as garden waste from brown bins is shredded and processed naturally into compost.

The many benefits of recycling your garden waste, include:

  • Creating a valuable soil conditioner through the composting process which is used for landscaping and gardening
  • Reducing the overall disposal costs at the same time as creating a valuable usable product
  • It’s a natural way of processing material which would otherwise be sent to waste
  • Reducing both the carbon impact and fuel costs of taking garden waste to the Household Waste and Recycling Centre in your own car

Councillor Claire Rowntree, Deputy Leader of Sunderland City Council and Cabinet Member for Clean Green City, said: “We know the environment is really important to people in Sunderland. Last year we had almost 30,000 sign ups for garden waste collections which just shows how much our residents care for our environment and make a real effort to recycle.

“Signing up for garden waste collections also helps make the best use of the space available in your other bins and it’s a really cost-effective way of disposing of your garden waste.”

Grass cuttings, weeds and dead plants, twigs and small branches, hedge clippings, cut flowers and houseplants, shrub prunings and leaves can all be recycled in your garden waste bin.

To sign up and find out more information which includes useful FAQs, visit

Use the ‘find my bin day’ service to check when to put your garden waste bin out for collection at

Anyone who would like to order an additional garden waste bin should call 0191 520 5550 or visit

6 February 2024