Turtle Island’s Reawakening: Guishan Welcomes Tourists with Sustainable Embrace – BNN Breaking

As the first rays of dawn break over the Pacific, Turtle Island, or Guishan, off Taiwan’s northeast coast, stirs with anticipation. March 1 marks not just another day but the reopening of this ecological gem to the world, with a twist of sustainability. Capped at 1,800 visitors daily, each accompanied by a professional tour guide, the island stands as a testament to balancing human curiosity with ecological preservation.

A Unique Blend of Nature and History

Turtle Island beckons with its distinct allure, shaped by millennia as an active volcano. Its geography, a harmonious blend of natural wonders, includes a serene freshwater lake, remnants of military fortifications, the solemn Gonglan Temple, and healing sulfur springs. The island’s reopening is a call to adventurers eager to tread lightly on its shores, armed with nothing but their respect for nature and an eagerness to explore. Visitors are reminded that the beauty of Guishan is in its simplicity; they are responsible for their own sustenance and for leaving no trace behind, embodying the principle of ‘pack in, pack out.’

Challenges and Conservation Efforts

Despite the island’s idyllic presentation, challenges lurk beneath its waves. Trash, an uninvited guest, washes up on its pristine beaches, a stark reminder of the ongoing battle against pollution. In response, the Yilan County Government has spearheaded an annual beach cleaning activity, uniting 550 volunteers in a pre-opening day effort to restore the island’s natural beauty. This initiative, set to commence on February 28, underscores the community’s commitment to its ecological treasure, ensuring its resilience against the tides of change.

Embarking on a Sustainable Journey

As Turtle Island once again opens its doors, it does so with a focus on sustainability. Tour information, available through social media platforms managed by the scenic administration, outlines a starting price of NT$2,980 (US$94) per person for one-day tours. This initiative not only offers an opportunity to witness the island’s splendor but also serves as a gentle reminder of the value of sustainable tourism. By limiting daily visitors and mandating professional guidance, Guishan Island sets a precedent in conservation efforts, inviting guests to partake in its preservation.

As we look to the horizon, the story of Turtle Island is a beacon of hope, a narrative of revival, and a call to action. It challenges us to reconsider our impact on the natural world, urging us to embrace sustainable practices in our explorations. In the delicate balance of nature and human curiosity, Guishan Island emerges not just as a destination but as a profound lesson in coexistence.